urrutiko kontrolatutako robot sega-makina muinoetarako elurra kentzeko makina batekin

The remotely controlled robot mower for hills with snow plow is designed to cater to a wide range of outdoor environments. Whether you need to clear snow from residential properties, commercial complexes, or public spaces, our attachment offers versatile performance and reliable snow removal capabilities. Sidewalks, parking lots, garden pathways, etc. Embrace its versatility and maximize your snow clearing potential.

Factory Direct Sales remotely controlled robot mower for hills with snow plow With Best Price Online For Sale In China

What sets our remotely controlled robot mower for hills with snow plow apart is its durability and performance. Crafted from durable materials, the snow plow blade is designed to tackle even the heaviest snow with ease. Whether it’s clearing driveways, sidewalks, or parking lots, our machine gets the job done quickly and efficiently.

  • Txinan egindako maldetarako kalitate oneneko urrutiko kontrolatutako robot segagailua
  • urrutiko kontrolatutako belarra mozteko makina elurra kentzeko makina elur-goldea elur pala elur-pala elurra kentzeko makina
  • fabrikako zuzeneko salmenta handizkako prezio baxua Txinako lorategi ekologikoa belarra mozteko urruneko kontrola
  • urrutiko kontrolatutako robot sega-makina muinoetarako elurra kentzeko makina batekin
  • Txinan eginiko kalitate oneneko irrati kontrolatutako belarra mozgailua

Vigorun mowers utilize high-capacity batteries that provide long runtimes and quick recharging capabilities. Safety features are built into the batteries to prevent overcharging and ensure reliable performance. The advanced remote control technology allows for safe maneuvering of the mower from a distance, making it easier to navigate challenging terrain and hard-to-reach areas.

Oinarri industrial sendo batean eta ondo garatutako makineria fabrikatzeko industrian jartzen dugun garrantzia kalitate handiko produktuak ekoizteko dugun dedikazioaz hitz egiten du. Gure esperientziadun ingeniari eta teknikarien esperientziak gure produktuak gure bezeroen behar espezifikoak betetzen dituela ziurtatzen du, eta hori funtsezkoa da balioa eta gogobetetasuna emateko.

Gidatzeko metodoacrawlercrawlergurpileko
Motorra / PotentziaLoncin 9HpLoncin 16HpLoncin 9Hp
Zabalera ebaketa600mm800mm550mm
Ebaketa-Altuera erregulagarriaBai, urrunetikBai, urrunetikBai, eskuz
Norberak kargatzeaBaiBaiBai
Dimension1010 980 * * 780mm1320 1260 * * 720mm1050 900 * * 590mm

We are looking for agents, distributors and dealers of remotely controlled robot mower for hills with snow plow all over the world. If you have any further inquiries or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

antzeko Mezuak